SAALT’s End of Year Hate Report: Attacks on elderly Sikh men continue, mosques vandalized, and hijabs ripped off Muslim women

The last three months of 2019 were plagued by a series of hate incidents. Anti-semitic attacks in New York and New Jersey are on the rise, with police reporting an increase in 20 percent as compared to 2018. An attacker killed five people in a Hasidic rabbi’s home in Monsey, NY while they were celebrating Hanukkah. Earlier in December, two shooters opened fire at a kosher market in Jersey City, killing 6 people. And, from October through the end of December, SAALT tracked 14 incidents of hate violence targeting Muslims and those racialized as Muslim.

Whether its from advisors at the White House or officials at the local level, xenophobic and Islamophobic rhetoric continues to find a home either in different platforms including social media, news media outlets, or events and conferences. SAALT tracked six incidents of xenophobic and Islamophobic rhetoric from October to the end of December:

SAALT and its partners have tracked 304 incidents of xenophobic or Islamophobic rhetoric since November 2015 and 542 inidents of hate since then targeting Muslims and those racialized as Muslim. As we enter an election year and on the eve of a possible expansion of the Muslim Ban, we are bracing for more violence toward our communities. We have seen how Islamophobic rhetoric is frequently weaponized during election cycles, and remain committed to tracking it, holding individuals and institutions accountable, and fighting for stronger legislation like the Jabara Heyer NO HATE Act.

Support SAALT’s work to track hate.



South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)

A national social justice org working on policy analysis/advocacy on issues affecting the South Asian community: immigration, post 9/11 backlash.